
If entrepreneurs can see and feel the outcome they want, then they are training their brain to consider it as a reality


Irrespective of the fact whether you are leading a large organisation comprising thousands of employees or a small startup, it is important to clear your minds, focus on your goals and become more productive. There is no greater feeling than overcoming a hurdle that was once believed to be unconquerable. Here are some steps that can help you achieve excellence.

Creative visualisation can do wonders


Researches behind creative visualisation show that our imagination is one of our most powerful and under estimated tools. The idea is that if you can see and feel the outcome you want then you are training your brain to consider it as a reality. With tonnes of authors supporting the idea of becoming a 'reality architect' through creative visualisation, it is time that entrepreneurs also take advantage of this tool we 'all' have. It is as simple as imagining what you want and then manifesting it. But get crazy with it…go wild. Don't for a minute feel guilty about envisioning that new Tesla or black-faced Rolex. If you need one million dollars from investors, see yourself receiving a check for $10 million. It can't hurt, right?

Meditation helps sharpen your focus

We have been approaching focus in the wrong way entirely. Rather than hitting Starbucks or slapping yourself awake, try legitimately clearing your mind for just a few minutes every day. Whether you need to forget about that argument with your co-founder or stop worrying about your competitors, meditation can help you zone in on what is important. The idea here is to take the hippie stuff out of meditation as it can prove to be a practical tool to get stuff done.


Life hacking classes using sounds that are engineered

Let's get down to science. Even tech giants like Google are beginning to implement brain training and life hacking classes for their employees to focus and achieve their goals, not to mention clear their heads and increase productivity. And although most of us don't have that cherished access card to everything that Google has, we do have access to what they're working with.

It is easy to make sharp creative visualisations and meditate. You can probably listen to sounds that are engineered to help sleep, nap, focus and relax or even overcome jet lag. There are several audio tracks to help users to focus on business, relationships or even money. The idea is that if you can control your thoughts and envision outrageous success, you will be more effective in life outside your brain.


Clarify your goals, visualise and feel the results and then harness the power of your brain to achieve your desired results, whether it is getting the right co-founder or venture backing.

(Minglani is the CEO of Mindvalley Mobile that develops knowledge products, media platforms, community events and movements that help people in the areas of personal growth, entrepreneurship, lifestyle applications, and continuous education. As told to Techcircle.in's Nikita Peer)

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